mercredi 21 septembre 2011

Blackbird Blackbird

This summer I was really into chillwave/glo-fi/electronic/whatever you want to call it since it doesn’t really have a specific name yet. Basically I would say it’s a mix between dream pop, shoegaze and 80s synthpop (if that makes any sense ) . Anyhow, I really enjoy this style because you can just sit back and relax while you listen to it. Artists that I like who make this type of music include Washed Out, Toro Y Moi, Neon Indian, Small Black and MillionYoung (check them out!). The following video was edited by Alan Jensen ( ) and the song is Blind by Blackbird Blackbird . I really like fact that this video has a bunch of random footage edited together, but it still really fits with the whole laid-back feel of the song. 
-Safiatu Soori

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